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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Tim & Tara Ellis
There are 7388 known living languages in the world. Over 128 million people, using 1680 different languages are waiting to for initial Bible...
Jillian Figley
Jillian comes to Wycliffe with a heart for the nations, biblical and linguistic education, and experience serving cross-culturally. She has a...
Francis Winter
Americas, Pacific
Francis grew up in a small but diverse community in Minnesota and developed interest in both international missions and linguistics at a relatively...
Leslie Foster
Leslie Foster has been working in the Asia-Pacific area for more than 25 years. Some of her activities include teaching pre-field language and...
Hayley Potter
Hayley knew her sophomore year of college that she was called to Africa and she could think of going nowhere else. Since returning to the States...
Derwin & Wendy Penson
Derwin and Wendy Penson are missionaries who have been with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 14 and 19 years, respectively. Derwin has a big heart...
Keith & Lisa Campbell
Keith and Lisa Campbell serve at the Wycliffe USA headquarters in Orlando, Florida. Keith serves as Corporate Medical Director for Wycliffe USA...
Laura Christel Lavallee H.
What a privilege it is to walk alongside the Jesus followers among the Choctaws of Mississippi! Laura Christel grew up in Mississippi and only...
Steve & Rebecca McMath
Steve and Rebecca met while on staff at a Bible camp growing up. While both felt a vague call to Christian ministry at that time, it wasn’t until...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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